The verb “tener”, “to have” in Spanish – Idiomatic expressions

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The verb “Tener”, “to have” in Spanish, is used in many idiomatic expressions such as:
tener +learn-spanish-tener-verb
“n” años to be n years old
calor to be hot
celos to be jealous
confianza to be confident
cuidado to be careful
la culpa to be guilty
dolor de to be sore
en cuenta to take into account
éxito to be successful
ganas de to feel like
hambre to be hungry
lugar to take place
miedo de to be afraid of
prisa to be in a hurry
razón to be right
sed to be thirsty
sueño to be sleepy
suerte to be lucky
vergüenza to be ashamed

Here is a useful video podcast with examples and uses of these idiomatic expressions with “tener”